
Unleash your child’s journalistic flair as they join the Press Club, where budding writers and reporters explore the world of storytelling and news reporting.

Cultivate the art of persuasive communication and critical thinking in the Debate Club, where students engage in lively discussions and hone their public speaking skills.

Ignite a passion for numbers and problem-solving in the Mathematics Club, where students explore the fascinating world of math through interactive activities and challenges.

Primary Section

In this section, we provide the leaner with opportunity to acquire literacy, numeracy, creativity and communication skills and enjoy learning and develop desire to continue learning. We help children build their communication skills, creativity, critical thinking and collaboration. They are also expected to memorize at least half of the Qur’an. Below are key areas we focus attention to:

  1. Develop ability for critical thinking and logical judgment
  2. Appreciate and respect the dignity of work
  3. Develop desirable social standards, moral and religious values
  4. Develop into a self-disciplined, physically fit and healthy person
  5. Develop aesthetic values and appreciate own and other people’s cultures
  6. Develop awareness and appreciation of the environment
  7. Develop awareness of and appreciation for other nations and international community
  8. Instil respect and love for own country and the need for harmonious co-existence
  9. Develop individual talents
  10. Promote social responsibility and make proper use of leisure time
  11. Develop awareness and appreciation of the role of technology in national development

The Primary classes begin at Primary 1 and end at Primary 5. The curriculum is geared towards giving the child a concrete and practical education with emphasis on a child centered approach to the teaching of subjects including Quran (Tahfeedh), Mathematics, English, Ponics,  Basic Science, Physical & Health Education, Computer(ICT), Social Studies, Agric Science,  Home Economics, Aptitude i.e. Verbal/Quantitative, Cultural and Creative Art and Islamic Religious studies

Our methods of teaching are practical, flexible and innovative. Team building and cooperative learning is also encouraged through small group projects and team work. We have activity based games which are inculcated into the curriculum to enhance creativity, Logical reasoning, strategy, literacy, Numeracy and speed.

In this section, we provide the leaner with opportunity to acquire literacy, numeracy, creativity and communication skills and enjoy learning and develop desire to continue learning. We help children build their communication skills, creativity, critical thinking and collaboration. They are also expected to memorize at least half of the Qur’an. Below are key areas we focus attention to